Saturday 25 October 2014

Second Chinese aircraft carrier to be completed in 6 years

China is capable of completing construction on its first Type 001A aircraft carrier within just six years according to Kanwa Defense Review, a military magazine operated by Andrei Chang, a military analyst in Canada who is also known as Pinkov.

To celebrate the Liaoning's second year of service with the People's Liberation Army Navy, the Sina Military Network based in Beijing displayed photos of the ship.

A defense expert told the London-based News of the World that China's Type 001A aircraft carrier will look very similar to the Liaoning, however, it will likely be larger.

The Kanwa Defense Review said that the Dalian Shipyard has already begun construction on the Type 001A carrier. The shipyard has been working on the project for ten years. For security reason, a 400-meter long indoor building berth was built. The article said that the aircraft carrier will likely be equipped with a steam turbine designed in Harbin in northeastern China and the steel plates for the ships will be mostly sourced from Shanghai.

Like the Liaoning, the Type 001A has a ski-jump ramp.

The magazine said that the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai is designing a second domestic aircraft carrier as well. This new ship is likely to be fitted with a catapult similar to US carriers.

The Washington-based Strategy reported that the ship will have four catapults and three escalators on board.

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